Best Ab Workouts

Best Ab Workouts

 It is extremely desirable to have a good looking physique. Six pack abs are a symbol of optimal physical fitness and requires you to sculpt every part of your abdomen to attain them. Such a physique not only boosts the confidence but also provides better health. Going through this transformation requires eating a disciplined diet and doing a variety of abdominal workouts. You not only build six pack abs but also increase your core body strength. Ab workouts for men also benefit posture, stamina and strength.
It takes a certain level of dedication and a strong plan of action to build your six-pack abs. It is important to stick to the rules while training to ensure you get proper results.


  • Intake only good carbs (also known as slow carbs) while completely avoiding white carbs.
  • Good carbs are found in foods like brown rice, oats and whole-wheat products.
  • Eat fresh vegetables because they carry lots of nutrients and vitamins.
  • Lean meats are a rich source of proteins, which is critical for muscle development.
  • Drink lots of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated.
  • Choose your fats wisely. For example fats from avocado, fish oils and olive oil are healthy fats you can eat.
  • Last but not the least – pace your eating schedule so that there is intake every few hours. Remember it is important to eat more number of times in small quantities to keep the metabolism ticking well.
The exercise regime is equally important. As they say – No Pain, No Gain. You have to train hard and train right for six packs. Building muscles and reducing body fat, both are equally important to gaining six pack Abs.



1: Plank – Normal Plank and Side Plank

Best ab workouts for men looking to build six packs are plank exercises. Plank is a core strength exercise, which tightens and flexes your abdominal portion of the body. This places an enormous amount of pressure on the abs and helps shape them eventually.
Basic Plank:
Best Lower Ab Workouts for Men
How to do a Basic Plank?
  1. Start in the push-up position. Lower both forearms to the ground.
  2. Tilt your pelvis and pull the abdomen inside. Nothing except toes and forearms should touch the floor.
  3. Hold this position as long as you can. With practice increase the time to hold your plank and build core strength of your abdomen.
Side Plank:
The procedure of the side plank is pretty much the same except it engages the side muscles better than the usual plank. Lie on a single side with one leg on another and lift your body up with the elbow or the hand. Hold as long as you can.
Similar to the above, we have kneeling plank exercise, spiderman plank exercise and star plank exercises that people regularly follow.
Kneeling Plank:
Best Ab Workouts for Men - Kneeling Plank
Spider man Plank:
Best Ab Workouts for Men - Spiderman Plank
Star Plank:
Best Ab Workouts for Men - Star Plank
2: Crunches – Normal, Bicycle and Reverse Crunches
Crunches are one of the popular ab workouts for men. Three kinds of effective crunches are normal, bicycle and reverse crunches.
Best Ab Workouts for Men - Crunches
How to do Crunches?
  1. Lay down on your back.
  2. Bend your knees and keep your hands behind your head
  3. Curl your back and try lifting the upper part of your body.
  4. Slowly, go back to your original position and repeat
Never rush when you perform crunches. Just go back down slowly and then do the second one.
Bicycle Crunch:
As you curl your back in a normal crunch, start moving your legs in a bicycle motion. Bicycle crunches are a perfect abdominal workout for attaining the six pack abs.
Reverse Crunch:
Lie down flat on the floor and keep your hand behind your head. Draw your knees towards your chest and raise your shoulder which gives a great shape to the abs. Let your knees travel in and out in the air targeting your lower abs.

3: Ab Wheel Roll Out

Best Ab Workouts for Men - Ab Wheel RollOut
As the name suggest this is made for your abdominal workouts. In fact on of best abdominal exercises are performed using an ab wheel.
How to do an Ab Wheel Workout?
  1. Place your knees in an exercise mat
  2. Hold the wheel with your hands and stretch your body out.
  3. Roll back in and out
  4. Ensure that your knees locked in the same place.
Standing Roll Out:
If you can master the kneeling ab wheel roll out, try the advanced version. For the standing roll out, stand and hold the ab wheel near your feet. Roll up to a plank position and roll back up. This is one of the best ab workouts for men with effective results.

4: Leg raises and V-Ups

Leg raises are the easiest abdominal workout for six packs. Just lie down and raise your legs to 90 degree angle. This develops your abdominal muscles and shapes them. If you have a bench at home, you can use it as it will increase your motion range when the legs are hanging off. V-Ups are harder to perform but are considered as the best ab workouts for men.
Best Ab Workouts for Men - Leg-raisingExercise
How to do Leg Raises?
  1. Lie down. Place your hands under your thighs with the palms facing downwards.
  2. Raise your legs perpendicularly.
  3. Bring them down and raise again.
  4. Repeat as many as you can.
How to do V-Ups?
  1.  Lie down on the mat
  2. Lift the legs and torso together
  3.  Form a V.
  4. Return slowly to the starting position
V-Ups are effective if they are performed in a slow and controlled manner.

5: Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are partly cardio and partly ab workout. You will be exhausted and drenched in your sweat after this abdominal exercise. Focusing on both burning fat and building muscle, mountain climbers are the best ab workouts for men.
Best Ab Workouts for Men - Mountain Climbers
How to do mountain climbers?
  1. Start in a push up position.
  2. Keep your arms and your entire body aligned in a straight line.
  3. Without changing your position bring your right knee to your chest.
  4. Go back to the original position
  5. Repeat the same with the left leg.
  6. Increase the speed as if you are climbing a mountain.
If you regularly abide by these best ab exercises for men mentioned above, the transformation of your body would be easier. Best of luck on your journey.


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